Coming from humble beginnings, and without formal training, Gavin’s determination and absolute passion for the work that he does has gotten him a steady footing in his career.

A Johannesburg based DoP working in commercials, narrative and music videos, Gavin has a massive heart and even more capacity for others. Never mind his ability to undertake new challenges, make beautiful and compelling images and find ways to make things happen on and off screen.

His eagerness to collaborate, and get deeply involved creates an unrivalled sense of teamwork and is something to be admired.

If Level 5 Lockdown is anything to go by, where Gavin created two music videos and a short film, the passion and creativity surely is strong with this one.

He also believes that empathy and life experience are key to creating impactful imagery. “If you’ve never felt it, how can you re-create it?”

Gavin’s ‘don’t be a dick’ attitude means he’s an absolute pleasure to be around, especially if you enjoy punny humour and photos of his beautiful Bull Terriers.